

In the wake of such hysteria and devastation it's no wonder that people have tried to come up with reasons to explain why the events of the Salem Witch Trial came to be. These theories are quite varied and range from scientific to sociological.

Although we’ll never know the true causes it is interesting to look at the Salem Witch Trials through modern lenses.


In Salem at the time, children were restricted from almost all forms of play and leisure. They were expected to spend most of their time doing chores and studying the bible. This lack of stimulation naturally led to boredom.

This boredom may help to explain why Betty Parris and Abigail Williams became so interested in the fortune-telling and magical stories which Tituba may have introduced them to.

It is believed that their involvement with these forbidden "supernatural" activities and a combination of the guilt and fear they felt from participating in them may have been the cause of their strange behavior.

Icon of a broom.

The first one in the colonies to confess to entering a pact with Satan had prayed for his help with chores.

Icon of a stopwatch.

Children were allowed almost no
leisure or play time

Icon of playing cards.

The girls were particularly
interested in Tarot Cards


One of the most interesting theories which has emerged about the cause of the Salem witch trials was first introduced in 1976 by Linnda Caporeal. She theorizes that the cause of the bizarre physical afflictions first witnessed in the “bewitched” girls could be the result of ergot poisoning.

Ergot is a parasitic fungus which in the right conditions can grow on grains. The fungus (which LSD is a derivative of) has been known to cause convulsions, hallucinations, and pinching sensations.

Picture of wheat.

These are the very afflictions suffered by the girls as described by first-hand accounts and interestingly enough the weather conditions in Salem Village in the winter of 1691 were just right for ergot to grow.

Cold Weather

Historically there exists a strong correlation between outbreaks of witch persecution and periods of abnormally cold weather in Europe between the 13th and 17th century.

The connection may stem from the fact that witches were believed to be able to control the weather and destroy crops. When the people suffered from poor harvests due to poor weather, some concluded that it must be the work of witches who needed to be identified and dealt with.

The year 1692 falls in the middle of a nearly 50-year-long cold spell in the Massachusetts area.

Icon of a snowflake.

Reverend Parris cancelled church for the winter in January 1692 because of the extreme cold.

Icon of a thermometer.

Many believed witches could control the weather.

Icon of a calendar.

The cold spell lasted between 1680 and 1730.