Title: Accused, The Salem Witch Trials Website
Art Director: Keith Somers
Category: Web Design, HTML/CSS
Live Site: quasi-design/accused
The Salem Witch Trials were a very interesting portion of American history where more than 200 people were accused of witchcraft over the span of 1692–1693. It was a situation caused by an extreme mob mentality that spiraled out of control. I made a five page informational website about the events of this trial as well as background information on witch trials throughout history and the town of Salem before the trials. The longest page is the Trials Timeline page which describes the events of 1692 in chronological order. I first prototyped the website in Adobe Xd then coded the website with HTML/CSS in Dreamweaver.
After picking the topic for this website I wanted to make a logo including a witch. With the name “Accused” I decided to try to incorporate the sillouette of a classic witch wearing a hat and the letter A into one form.
To augment the website I created an icon set to represent whatever information is in a section. I decided to make these icons with all lines to complement the Accused logo.